Fish Lips and Large Seas

Air temp: 64 degrees
Humidity: 96% Barometer: 1018 mb
Speed: 5-7 knots Course: 100-110 degrees True
Noon to noon distance made in nautical miles for the last 24 hours: 146 miles
Point of Sail: Beam to Close reach
Wind speed: Northeast 20-25 knots
Swells: NW, N, NE 9-16 ft. Very Confused. Impeding progress.
Noon Latitude: 40 deg 03′ N (Latitude wise – 30 miles north of Fort Brag, but 280 miles west of it) Noon Longitude: 130 deg 11.7′ W
Camanoe’s fish count since Maui: Flying fish – 7 Squid – 0 Mahi Mahi – 1
Breakfast today: Oatmeal with blueberries
Lunch today: PB and J(my favorite), 1 apple, tortilla chips
Dinner tonight: Frozen prepackaged 4 cheese chicken penne pasta

We are 360 miles northwest of San Francisco, finally. This has been a long trip. Last night we had 30 knot winds throughout the night with 12-16 foot swells. So it was a little rolly. We were on a beam reach headed for San Francisco but eventually had to head down a little bit and take the seas slightly on the port quarter. I will have to make up the southing later. The seas are down to 9-12 feet with the occasional 16 footer rolling through. It’s amazing sitting in the cockpit and watching the top of the wave crest tower above me, and then either pick Camanoe up and roll on through, or break on us and cover the boat with a ton of water as we careen down the side of the wave. Regardless, Windy the wind vane senses the swell picking us up and reacts by correcting the wheel before we start to slide down the wave. Unfortunately, it’s wet down below. Not bad, but I do have some towels strategically located in the worst spots. Not surprising as we have been submerged for 48 hours and Camanoe’s deck hardware has not been cleaned and re-bedded in 26 years. The factory used Butyl tape instead of 4200 or similar sealant. I’d say it’s done an excellent job!

Today I began picking up VHF weather reports on Ch. 1 and 2, in addition to some AM frequencies. It’s nice to feel connected once again. I don’t miss the AM news stations though. It seems to be the same unimportant, exaggerated story repeated over and over.

On a funny note, or sad, in the rough weather last night the lure on my fishing pole escaped and deployed itself. I didn’t have the drag set very tight so at 7-8 knots it payed out. When I reeled it in this morning there was nothing left but a bent hook and a set of fish lips, perfectly round with no body attached.


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