Lone Wolfpack

Air temp: 64 degrees
Humidity: 80% Barometer: 1029 mb
Speed: 4-7 knots Course: 100 degrees True
Noon to noon distance made in nautical miles for the last 24 hours: 119 miles
Point of Sail: Close reach
Wind speed: Northeast 20 knots
Swells: NW, N, NE 6-9 ft. Very Confused. Impeding progress.
Noon Latitude: 41 deg 06′ N (Same latitude as Eureka, CA, but 500 miles west of it)
Noon Longitude: 135 deg 43′ W
Camanoe’s fish count since Maui: Flying fish – 7 Squid – 0 Mahi Mahi – 1
Breakfast today: Oatmeal with blueberries
Lunch today: PB and J (my favorite), 1 apple, dried fruit assorted
Dinner tonight: Mexican pressure cooker black bean soup and tortillas with rice

Camanoe the U-boat. She is a lone Wolfpack. She reminds me of the U-boat in Das Boot. Especially the scene at the beginning where they leave the shipyard and do a depth/pressure test to see if she will hold. At around 500 feet she begins leaking through various seams. Camanoe is doing the same thing today. Not bad, just a few drops here and there. It’s not surprising considering we are blasting through some very confused seas. We are currently beating into the northeast trade winds. Spray is engulfing the boat accompanied by some very large bangs and booms as we plow through the swells. I have a double-reefed main and just a bit of headsail out and we are flying. At least until a large wave hits or breaks on top of us slowing us down to four knots. I’m expecting this to go on for at least the next two days, if not until we reach San Francisco. We are just over 600 miles from San Francisco and pointed directly for it.

I’m looking forward to landfall and a long, hot shower accompanied by unlimited Guiness and pizza. I do shower everyday aboard Camanoe but it’s a military shower and more of an acrobatic feat than anything. The shower is located in the V-berth at the forward end of the boat. To say the least, it is very difficult to soap up and rinse off when it takes two hands to stay upright while we fly through the air. At least I have the option to shower aboard, most sailors don’t have the water to spare.


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